
What is BlockSports?

BlockSports by BitGame is a revolutionary way to engage in online sports betting. Leveraging the decentralized power of blockchain technology, BlockSports is able to provide an open, secure, and fair platform for users around the world.

Users access the platform via their digital wallets (such as Metamask) and engage in betting through a series of complex smart contracts. The smart contracts are triggered by data fed from a decentralized network of oracles that use real-world data to determine the outcome of professional sports matches and therefore reward successful users.

The benefits of this style of sports entertainment are game-changing:

- There is no need to make an account or complete KYC meaning users are directly in control of their data and finances.

- Withdrawals are instantaneous and feeless.

- Match result data provided via oracles is always transparent, verifiable, and trustworthy.

- There is no unfair advantage given to some users over others, everything is completely open and transparent.

Blockchain and Web 3.0 decentralized technologies are perfect enablers of the newest generation of sports betting and entertainment. Moving away from the issues of traditional platforms, the open, secure, and low barrier to entry means that sports betting will only become more prevalent and accessible in the future.

In future, the BitGame system will connect to more widely adopted public chains such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polkadot, thus allowing more users to take part in growing the ecosystem. As it grows, users will also be able to organize their own betting rules around and competitions, allowing for an even greater variety of entertainment and profits.

Last updated